I'm not sure what happen exactly, but this week got super crazy all of the sudden. I had a couple of tests, which translated into TONS of studying. I'm just now starting to understand what they meant by the statement they made during orientation, 'we own your life.' I did quite a bit of studying, but it has actually been kind of fun. I now can tell you a little bit about Beta Blockers (propranolol), Atropine, and Muscarinic drugs. It actually came in handy today...okay it actually didn't but I tried to use the information. Turns out, people don't really care what an antimuscarinic affect is...She didn't even let me explain that it really did have to do with taking allergy pills....whateve.
So far I feel like I'm keeping up on my studies, which feels SO nice, but don't worry, I don't imagine this feeling will last much longer. My main class-Clinical Medicine starts this next week and I'm kind of getting nervous. I don't know what it entails, but it sounds like it is going to be a beast.
All the studying has paid off so far...I Aced both my tests this week...HOLLA! I'm sure that they make the tests easier at the beginning just so we'll keep going, but either way, I'm happy. It was a nice confidence boost at the beginning and end of my week.
After all that diligent studying...I managed to squeeze in some socializing.This is me venting...just so you know...you can skip this paragraph if you'd like.
So I woke up Saturday morning feeling like I wanted to do something other than sitting home Saturday night. In my geniusness, I thought it would be a great idea to call up one of the guys in the ward here and do stuff with him. Normally I would have called a girl, but I just am not connecting with any of the girls, and so logically I had to turn to the boys. Anyway, so I call up this guy(Ben-med school guy) to see what he is doing that night. In my logical mind, I didn't think that I was asking him on a date BECAUSE #1 I'm not a boy-BOYS ask girls on dates, NOT the other way around. There are gender roles for a reason...so dumb miscommunications don't happen. #2 I specifically omitted the word date from the conversation...I used words like 'hang out' or 'do something'. There was absolutely no mention of date or dating in the conversation. #3 I was clearly just feeling kind of lonely and just really wanted a good friend...NOT an awkward date. So I'm sure you can guess what happened. Yeah, it was just awkward. He came over to my apartment for a while and just talked, and the more we talked and I was reading his body language the more I thought-'Betsy, what have you done?' We ended up going to hang out with a group of people from the ward and we watched the BYU football game...so it wasn't all bad. I actually thoroughly enjoyed the game...especially since we won! I was so proud of those boys in blue! Woot!!! It didn't actually get awkward, for me at least, until the drive home when I was thinking, oh no...is he going to walk me to the door or just drop me off...ahhh...what do I do? I just fixed the problem by jumping out of the car as soon as he pulled over (I live on kind of a busy street so I clearly had a good reason to be fast...I didn't want anyone to hit him) and said, 'k, see ya tomorrow.' Now I know that both Mom and Dad would probably start scolding me for not handling the situation properly, but all I can say is, this wasn't my fault. (Typing that just made me think of Nate and all the times Mom and Dad would yell out...'NATE!' and he'd respond with, 'I didn't do it.')
Monday night was scripture study at the Creamer's House (2nd counselor in the bishopric) and for the activity we watched Boise State play Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech is only 20 minutes from here, so obviously everyone here is a Tech fan-go Hokies...but I just wasn't feeling the need to conform just yet...so I cheered for Boise...and it is a good thing I did, cause they won and who wants to root for a loosing team. There were only a couple of really uncomfortable moments when I could tell that some of the people in the room didn't like me very much. It only took 10 minutes into the game for me to realize that I should probably keep my cheering to myself. The night ended on a positive note...mostly cause I left at half time, and the teams were about tied.
One of the chicos(Jason) in my ward called me up during the week and asked if I wanted to 'do something, sometime?' Can you get any more vague??? I really don't think it is possible. After talking with him for a few minutes, I got him to be a little more specific...sometime this week...anytime...OKAY. From this experience I learned...I like planned things. I'm not so much the spontaneous type. I kind of figured that I was like that, but now I for sure know...I do indeed like planned things. Anyway, because this guy was so noncommittal, indecisive...whatever he was, I felt like I had to plan something. It just put a bunch of pressure on me, which I thought was weird...because he was the one who wanted to do something. I don't even know the kid. I figured that if I had to plan something, then it would be something that I felt super comfortable doing. So I decided to get a group together to go watch a movie in the park. I thought it sounded fun...kind of date-ish, but also not because there was a group of us. The funniest part to me was that I invited guys and girls...and since I was the one inviting people I decided to invite Brian. I didn't think he would actually come, but he did want to come, which is wonderful except for the fact that the whole point of the night was to be 'doing something' with Jason, while really...I think I kind of like Brian. I had another one of those moments where I said out loud, 'Betsy, what have you just done?' Good thing no one really knows who I like, or that I like anyone.
Anyway, the park was a good thought, and it would have been fun, but we decided not to go. Actually we got to the park, and we found out that a girl in the ward was throwing a movie night and no one was going...so we went to that instead. It was fun. I will say that movies are kind of sketchy territory- in the sense that I didn't know who to sit by and what it would mean if I sat next one of them. I kind of just stood at the edge of the circle for a while because I didn't know where to sit. I didn't think I was being obvious, but apparently I was cause everyone said, Betsy, do you need some help? Woops. That just added to the pressure, so I just sat on the floor. (The logical side of my brain realizes that it really isn't that big of a deal where I sit, and even now I see how dumb the situation sounds...but in the moment, ya know....)
I sometimes feel like my life is a giant chain of awkward situations (I realize that I put myself in these situations most of the time) and it is surprising that I haven't yet learned how to maneuver out of them skillfully. I just kind of get stuck-hopefully I’ll learn sometime.
Well to end on a positive note...We watched Blind Side tonight and I was thinking about how much the lady reminds me of Aunt Valle, but also of Mom. She gets things done, super nice and generous and you just don't mess with her. It's so true.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Oh Boy!!!!
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